Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lifting up Praise to the LORD...He is able to do above and beyond what we can think or imagine!

Dear family and friends,

We lift up praise to the LORD!  I have no words to express the joy the LORD brought to our lives many things...

 -a blessing from dear friends in a far away place that touched us so deeply and a dream that will one day be a reality because we serve a Risen LORD who is able to make what seems impossible happen!
 - prayers that were answered in a tangible way today for many families waiting for their precious child/children
 - Praises for the many many friends and family and those that we do not even know that were praying for the least of these...praying for LINA!
 - praise that I WILL SOON HOLD our dear LINA in my arms and be able to love her and tell her how special she is and how much she is loved, wanted and cherished!
- praise for things that were on a standstill to be moving again and great news about our travel soon to follow...

Waiting for the much needed signature that is on it's way and travel dates that will follow!!! Praise the LORD...He is able to do above and beyond what we can think or imagine...

Isaiah 26:8 "...our heart's desire is to glorify Your Name."

MORE NEWS to follow tomorrow...I AM SURE!!! Praise HIM!!!

LOVE to all ...

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